Canada Payment Resources

Summary of payment program


Hospitals pay the salary of the staff and supplies, but the Provincial Health Care Insurance pays for the care of the patient. The patient is not billed for services. All services are covered, including medications and follow-up care, which also includes counselling through the social worker, if the patient elects to for their services and any medical follow-up.

No matter the location of the assault, the patient can receive a medical forensic examination, free of charge, in any hospital/clinic. 

Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)



Each province varies slightly, but operates the same. There are three territories in Canada, which all fall under federal jurisdiction for health care. 

Provincial Funds – assist patients of sexual assault and domestic violence apply for compensation (i.e. counselling, loss of income, new cell phone, etc.).


Coordination with healthcare

Canadian Women’s Health Network – List of Rape Crisis Centers