California Payment Resources

Summary of payment program


The cost of a medical evidentiary examination performed by a qualified health care professional, hospital, or other emergency medical facility for a victim of a sexual assault to be treated as a local cost and charged to the local law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the alleged offense was committed.

Local law enforcement agencies are to seek reimbursement from the Office of Emergency Services (OES) to offset the cost of conducting the medical evidentiary examination portion of a medical examination of a sexual assault victim who does not participate in the criminal justice system and limits the amount that may be reimbursed to offset the cost for that portion of the exam to $911.

Cal OES has increased the reimbursement rate from $300 to $911 effective for examinations that occur on or after April 1, 2021. Law enforcement agencies may request up to $911 per examination. If the examination cost is less, the law enforcement may only request the amount paid. 

Cal OES Governor’s Office of Emergency Services:

Complete the invoice and submit to Cal OES at (in addition to the link above, other medical forms can be found at Cal OES).


The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) can help pay bills and expenses that result from violent crime. Victims of crime who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible for help. CalVCB Helpline:  1-800-777-9229

To be eligible for compensation, a person must be a victim of a qualifying crime involving physical injury, threat of physical injury or death. For certain crimes, emotional injury alone is all that needs to be shown. Certain family members or other loved ones who suffer an economic loss resulting from an injury to, or death of, a victim of a crime may also be eligible for compensation.

Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements. The victim must:

  • Have been a California resident when the crime occurred, or the crime must have occurred in California.
  • Cooperate reasonably with police and court officials to arrest and prosecute the offender; some exceptions may be considered.
  • Cooperate with CalVCB staff to verify the application.
  • Not have been involved in events leading to the crime or committed a crime that could be charged as a felony.
  • File the application within three years of the crime, three years after the direct victim turns 21 years of age, or three years from when the crime could have been discovered, whichever is later. Also, if the application is based on specified crimes involving sex with a minor, a victim may file at any time prior to the victim’s 28th birthday. If an application is filed late, the victim must complete the  Late Filing Reconsideration Form and submit it with their application.

In addition to being the victim of a qualifying violent crime, applicants must also:

  • Be either a resident of California or the victim of a crime that happened in California.
  • Report the crime to the police, sheriff, child protective services, or some other law enforcement agency (some exceptions may apply).
  • In most cases, apply to CalVCB within three years of the time the crime happened.
  • Generally, cooperate with law enforcement during the investigation and prosecution of the crime.
  • Not have been involved in or committed a felony in the events leading to the crime.
  • Cooperate with CalVCB by providing the information needed to review the application.

CalVCB Online is a secure and private portal that can be easily accessed from a phone, tablet or computer. With CalVCB Online you can:

  • Apply for compensation
  • Upload and submit documents
  • Communicate with CalVCB

To fill out the application by hand, the form must be completed with signature and dated where indicated.

  • Open the application
  • Print a copy
  • Enter the information, sign it, and date it.
  • Mail to: California Victim Compensation Board, P.O. Box 3036, Sacramento, CA 95812-3036

To fill out the pdf application form, the form must be completed with a signature and dated where indicated.

  • Open the application
  • Enter the information
  • Save a copy to your computer by selecting File > Save
  • Mail to: California Victim Compensation Board, P.O. Box 3036, Sacramento, CA 95812-3036

California Victim Compensation Application | Spanish Additional Languages
California Victim Compensation Benefit Reference Guide
California Survivors Rights Card Spanish

Coordination with healthcare

Other information

California Clinical Forensic Medical Training Center (CCFMTC)
Medical Evidentiary Examination Reimbursement Invoice
Informational Bulletin: Sexual Assault Medical Evidentiary