Kansas Payment Resources

Summary of payment program


Kansas does not have a centralized billing process. Bills for forensic exam services are sent to the county where the assault occurred. The county where the assault occurred is responsible for the costs of the exam. 

The cost of the exam conducted using this kit is free of charge. The patient may be responsible for healthcare costs such as medication or treatment for injuries that are not covered under the sexual assault forensic examination process. The patient may be eligible for crime victims’ compensation to help recover those medical costs and other expenses.


The Kansas Crime Victims Compensation Board provides victims with financial assistance for loss of earnings and out-of-pocket loss for injuries sustained as a direct result of violent crime. This includes reasonable medical care, mental health counseling or other services necessary as a result of the injury. In the event of the death of the victim, reasonable medical expenses and the partial cost of funeral, burial or cremation is reimbursable. Personal property loss is not covered, with the exception of clothing and bedding seized as evidence. The program is administered by the Crime Victims Compensation Division of the Attorney General’s Office.

Kansas law says that the county where the sexual assault happened must pay for the exam, whether or not a report was filed with law enforcement. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has set a maximum fee of $725.00 for evidence collection, a maximum amount which healthcare facilities can bill the county. 

Attorney General’s Office – Information for Victim Service Professionals

Kansas Crime Victims Compensation Application be filed within two years of incident. Cases of child sexual assault are based on the date the crime was reported to law enforcement. It is the claimant’s responsibility to establish proof that the claim was filed timely pursuant to K.S.A. 74-7305(b).

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Applications must be filed within two years of the incident with certain exceptions for sexual assault cases. Compensation for mental health counseling may be awarded to victims of sexual assault if a claim is filed within two years of notification of the results of DNA testing. Cases of child sexual assault are based on the date the crime was reported to law enforcement. It is the claimant’s responsibility to establish proof that the claim was filed timely pursuant to K.S.A. 74-7305(b).
  2. Victim suffered bodily injury (including mental disorder or death) as a victim of a violent crime.
  3. The incident occurred in Kansas, or outside the United States to a Kansas resident.
  4. The incident was reported to law enforcement officials within 72 hours, or would have been reported within that time except for a valid reason.
  5. The claimant (and/or victim) fully cooperated with law enforcement officials during their investigation and prosecution.
  6. Economic loss (medical expenses, wage loss, etc.) will total $100.00 or more and has not been (or will not be) totally paid by other sources except in cases of sexual abuse.
  7. The victim was not an accomplice to and did not commit a crime in connection with this incident (e.g. gang activity, drug dealing.) Victim must not have provoked or caused the injury or death.

Requirements 4, 5, and 7 do not apply to a victim of human trafficking who was 18 years old or younger at the time of the crime.

Kansas Crime Victims Compensation Application
Kansas Crime Victims Compensation Brochure

Coordination with healthcare

A sexual assault medical forensic examination may be performed by a physician, a specially trained nurse, or a specially trained physician’s assistant. Some hospitals have a certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) who will perform the exam. However, any emergency department can provide emergency medical services or treatment.

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence –

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence | Kansas Crisis Hotline: 1-888-363-2287

Kansas SANE Programs – Map

The Kansas Crisis Hotline is a toll-free, 24-hour statewide hotline accessed by phone. Trained professionals answer the phone and both help callers and connect or refer callers to local services and organizations.