Montana Payment Resources

Summary of payment program


In the State of Montana, the medical provider understands that the $600 payment it receives from the Office of Victim Services constitutes payment in full for performance of the forensic rape examination and that the provider may not bill the victim for covered costs associated with the exam that exceed the allowable payment of $600.


The Crime Victims Compensation Act provides financial assistance to help innocent crime victims with crime-related medical expenses. Created in 1978, the Montana Crime Victim Compensation Program can help with loss of wages, medical expenses and funeral expenses incurred as the result of personal injury crimes.

To apply for compensation benefits, obtain a claim form and file it with the CVC office. There are several ways to obtain a claim form. Any law enforcement agency, hospital, victim assistance program has a copy, or contact their office. By phone at  (406) 444-3653 or 1-800-498-6455.

Montana’s Crime Victim Compensation address:

Crime Victim Compensation Program
P.O. Box 201410, Helena, MT 59620-1410

To qualify for compensation benefits, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • The crime must be reported to a law enforcement agency within 5 days or they must show good cause for the delay in reporting. Child sexual abuse cases may be extended.
  • Claims must be filed with the Crime Victim Compensation Program within one year of the date of the crime or you must show good cause why it wasn’t filed.
  • Claimants must fully cooperate with all law enforcement agencies and prosecuting attorneys in the apprehension and prosecution of the offender.
  • An offender or an accomplice of the offender is not eligible for benefits.
  • A claimant cannot be awarded benefits if the award would unjustly benefit the offender or accomplice.
  • People in prison or residing in any other public institution may not be awarded benefits.
  • Benefits may be reduced or denied if a victim contributed to the infliction of death or injury related to the crime.

Rape victims are not required to report the crime to law enforcement. The medical expenses incurred for a rape examination are paid by one of two sources, depending on the victim’s decision whether or not to report the crime.

Healthcare professionals caring for rape victims should inform patients that, in most cases, they will not have to pay for the rape exam themselves. Healthcare providers should ask the victim if he or she wishes to report the crime to law enforcement so the correct agency can be billed.

  • If the victim chooses to report the crime to law enforcement, the local law enforcement agency in charge of investigating the crime must pay for the rape examination.
  • If the victim chooses not to report the crime immediately, the Forensic Rape Examination Payment Program (FREPP), available through the Office of Victim Services, can pay for the exam.

The healthcare facility billing departments should make every effort to work with local law enforcement agencies and FREPP to exhaust all avenues of payment before billing the patient for any part of an exam.

Forensic Rape Examination Payment Program Claim Form

Coordination with healthcare

For patient/victim service locations visit the Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Montana Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System